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대상 초등저학년(8~10세) ~ 초등고학년(11~13세)
저자 Denise Ryan, Robert Coupe

- Books (64) : Stage 1~4

- 1, 2단계 Workbook Set (Book + Workbook + CD) (32)

- 3, 4단계 Audio Set (Book + CD) (32)

- 단계별 Audio Full Set (4) : Books (16) + MP3 CD


 총 64권의 책은 Animals, Earth, Science, History 네 영역으로 나뉘어 있으며, 아이들의 언어 발달을 고려해 Stage 1부터 Stage 4까지 구성되어 있습니다.

 이해를 돕기 위해 Label, Side bar, Caption을 적절히 사용하였고, 단면도, 내부 구조, 변화 과정 등의 시각자료를 제공합니다.

 백과사전식 구성으로 사실적인 정보를 상세하게 전달하여 지식 습득을 돕고, 보다 넓은 시각을 갖게 합니다.

 생생한 세밀화를 사용하여 사진으로는 표현이 부족한 부분까지 자세히 짚어 줍니다.

 본책과 더불어 Workbook과 Audio CD를 통해 보다 효과적으로 학습할 수 있습니다.

 1~2단계 타이틀 중 Animals, Earth 16 타이틀은 Teacher s Guide가 제공됩니다. 


Stage 1 



Workbook Preview


Stage 2



Workbook Preview


Stage 3 





Stage 4 





Stage 1

No Title Lexile Audio Work
1 Animals_ Big Cats
2 Animals_ Beastly Bugs
3 Animals_ Baby Animals
4 Animals_ Birds
5 Earth_ Plants
6 Earth_ Wild Places
7 Earth_ By the Shore
8 Earth_ Rain or Shine
9 Science_ Boats and Ships
10 Science_ Machines
11 Science_ Push and Pull
12 Science_ Musical Instruments
13 History_ Castles
14 History_ Pirates
15 History_ The Great Wall of China
16 History_ Vikings

Stage 2

No Title Lexile Audio Work
1 Animals_ Scary Sharks
2 Animals_ Dogs
3 Animals_ Things with Wings
4 Animals_ Big Bears
5 Earth_ Jungle Life
6 Earth_ Under the Sea
7 Earth_ Hot Rocks
8 Earth_ Deserts
9 Science_ How Does It Work?
10 Science_ Our Amazing Bodies
11 Science_ Weather Watching
12 Science_ Dino Dig
13 History_ Pyramids
14 History_ American Indians
15 History_ The Trojan Horse
16 History_ Roman Times

Sgate 3

No Title Lexile Audio Work
1 Animals_ Dinosaurs
2 Animals_ Life on Ice
3 Animals_ Hide and Seek
4 Animals_ Lizards
5 Earth_ Extremes
6 Earth_ Earth's Surface
7 Earth_ Solar System
8 Earth_ Coral Reefs
9 Science_ Flight
10 Science_ Inventions
11 Science_ Great Buildings
12 Science_ Moonwalk
13 History_ Pompeii: A Lost City
14 History_ The Greeks
15 History_ Mummies
16 History_ The Titanic

Sgate 4

No Title Lexile Audio Work
1 Animals_ Attack and Defense
2 Animals_ Insect World
3 Animals_ Great Journeys
4 Animals_ Incredible Creatures
5 Earth_ Volcanoes
6 Earth_ In Peril
7 Earth_ Continents and Oceans
8 Earth_ Quake!
9 Science_ Into the Unknown
10 Science_ Getting in Touch
11 Science_ Energy
12 Science_ Extreme Sports
13 History_ The Silk Road
14 History_ Aztecs and Maya
15 History_ Traders and Travelers
16 History_ Sky Watch